Environmental Gamma Radiation Distribution In Western Georgia
Environmental Gamma-Radiation, Natural RadioactivityAbstract
Some results of investigation of environmental gamma radiation (Γ) distribution in western Georgia are presented. Measurement of Γ was made on ~ 20 cm above the ground surface at 228 different points by using portable gamma survey meter. The terrain height (H) varied from 1 to 1928 m above sea level. A map of the distribution of the values of Γin the study area is presented. The statistical characteristics of the values of Г and the peculiarities of their distribution on the territory of western Georgia have been studied. In particular, the following results were obtained. Mean value of Г is 87nSv/h, range of change: 40-194 nSv/h.The repeatability of the values gamma radiation has a unimodal form with the right asymmetry with a max of 20.6% at the value Г = 87 nSv/h.There is an increase in the values of Г with the terrain height.Wherein coefficient of linear correlation of individual values of Г with the H is 0.26.Connection of the height-averaged values of Г on the H has the form of a power function: Г = 53.608·H0.0927